
MonsterGamerz's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 886 (From 185 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,670 Points


Medals Earned: 1/14 (10/500 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

10 10 Points

Get on a magazine cover!

7 10 Points

Survive one assassination attempt!

1 25 Points

Get re-elected once! (Real)

11 25 Points

Get a statue!

4 25 Points

Get re-elected once! (Fake)

8 25 Points

Survive two assassination attempts!

2 50 Points

Get re-elected twice! (Real)

5 50 Points

Get re-elected twice! (Fake)

9 50 Points

Survive three assassination attempts!

3 100 Points

Get re-elected thrice! (Real)

6 100 Points

Get re-elected thrice! (Fake)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

i saw her standing there

Medals Earned: 6/7 (55/105 points)

A Hero of a BF 5 Points

Complete Act 1

Girls and Guns 5 Points

Complete Act 2

stay together FOREVER 5 Points

Complete Act 3

These Heads 5 Points

Click on both the Credits Heads

Experimental Tendencies 10 Points

Play with cheats

Feelin Soft 25 Points

Complete a no-gun-run

Tough as Undead Nails 50 Points

All levels on Xtreme Mode (no easy or crazy cheats)

Idle Dungeon Master

Medals Earned: 6/22 (40/500 points)

1 5 Points

Farm 100 Gold yourself!

11 5 Points

Buy 10 Goblins!

2 5 Points

Farm 500 Gold yourself!

6 5 Points

Research 100 RP yourself!

16 10 Points

Conquer your first realm and finish the tutorial!

3 10 Points

Farm 2500 Gold yourself!

12 5 Points

Buy 25 Goblins!

7 5 Points

Research 500 RP yourself!

13 10 Points

Buy 50 Goblins!

14 10 Points

Buy 75 Goblins!

4 10 Points

Farm 10000 Gold yourself!

8 10 Points

Research 2500 RP yourself!

9 10 Points

Research 10000 RP yourself!

10 25 Points

Research 25000 RP yourself!

15 25 Points

Buy 100 Goblins!

17 25 Points

Conquer the first lands!

5 25 Points

Farm 25000 Gold yourself!

18 50 Points

Conquer the west lands!

19 50 Points

Conquer the desert lands!

20 50 Points

Conquer the mountain lands!

21 50 Points

Conquer the green lands!

22 100 Points

Conquer the shadow lands and the earth will be yours!

Idle Game Dev

Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/360 points)

5 5 Points

code 1000 lines alone

1 5 Points

code 100.000 lines

13 5 Points

sell 100.000 games

9 5 Points

make 25 games

10 10 Points

make 100 games

14 10 Points

sell 1.000.000 games

2 10 Points

code 1.000.000 lines

6 10 Points

code 10.000 lines alone

11 25 Points

make 250 games

15 25 Points

sell 10.000.000 games

3 25 Points

code 10.000.000 lines

7 25 Points

code 100.000 lines alone

12 50 Points

make 1000 games

16 50 Points

sell 100.000.000 games

4 50 Points

code 100.000.000

8 50 Points

code 1.000.000 lines alone

Indie Ana Jones

Medals Earned: 6/70 (40/500 points)

Death Row 5 Points

Perform a death row

Diamond 5 Points

find the Diamond

Explosive Ana 5 Points

Perform an Explosive Ana

Spikes 5 Points

Perform a Spike dead

Garnet idol 10 Points

Find the Garnet idol

Maya the calendar 10 Points

Find Maya the calendar

Ankh 5 Points

Find the Ankh

Arcade Ghost 5 Points

Win the arcade ghost levels

Arcade Pac Man 5 Points

Win all Arcade Pac Man levels

Banana 5 Points

Get the Banana

Bananas 5 Points

Find the bananas

Bird 5 Points

Hear the sing of the bird

Block of gold 5 Points

Find the block of gold

Bury head 5 Points

perform a Bury Head Dead

Cherry Gold 5 Points

Find the Cherry Gold

Crystal cross 5 Points

Find the crystal cross

Fish hook 5 Points

Find the golden fish hook

Flower Power 5 Points

Perform a Flower Power Death

Ganondorf soup day 5 Points

Add special flavor to Ganondorf´s soup

Golden Bangle 5 Points

Find the Golden Bangle

Golden Eagle 5 Points

Fix the Golden Eagle

Golden glasses 5 Points

Find the Golden Glasses

Golden Heart 5 Points

Find the Golden Heart

Golden Orange 5 Points

find the golden orange

Goron pottery 5 Points

Find the Goron Pottery

Hell Coin Collector 5 Points

Find the Hell Coin Collector Certificated

Honey 5 Points

Find Honey

Jade amulet 5 Points

find the Jade amulet

Keaton mask 5 Points

Find the Keaton Mask

Majoras Mask 5 Points

Find the Majoras mask

Mario Cantinflas 5 Points

Find Cantinflas

Mask of truth 5 Points

Find the Mask of truth

mushroom reunited 5 Points

A good act for a mushroom mom and son

Onyx Cat 5 Points

Find the Onyx Cat

Pearl 5 Points

Find the Pearl

Puddle Coin Collector 5 Points

Find the Puddle coin collector

Rupee 5 Points

Find a Rupee

Silver coin 5 Points

Find the Silver coin

Strawberry gold 5 Points

Find the Strawberry gold

The Crown 5 Points

Find the Crown

The keys 5 Points

Make a good action by helping the keys

The Ring 5 Points

Find the ring

Ambar idol 10 Points

Find the Ambar idol

Amethyst idol 10 Points

Find the Amethyst idol

Ant coin collector 10 Points

Get the Ant coin collector cerfificate

Arcade coin collector 10 Points

Get the Arcade coin collector certificate

Barbara Blade 10 Points

Find Barbara Blade

Bee crown 10 Points

Find the Bee crown

Billy Idol 10 Points

Find the Billy Idol

Chuck Jones 10 Points

Find Chuck Jones

Diary of Bridget Jones 10 Points

Find the Diary of Bridget Jones

DK coin collector 10 Points

Get the DK coin collector

Elton Jones 10 Points

Find Elton Jones

Emerald idol 10 Points

Find the Emerald Idol

Hive coin collector 10 Points

Get the Hive coin collector certificate

Indian A. Jones 10 Points

Find Indian A. jones

Jade idol 10 Points

Find the Jade idol

La Melona 10 Points

Find La Melona

La Melona Coin Collector 10 Points

Get La melona coin collector certificate

Mario bros coin collector 10 Points

Get the Mario bros coin collector

Necklace 10 Points

Find the Necklace

Onyx Idol 10 Points

Find the Onyx Idol

Osmosis Jones 10 Points

Find Osmosis Jones

Papa Jones 10 Points

Find Papa Jones

Pitfall coin collector 10 Points

Get the pitfal coin collector

Red skull idol 10 Points

Find the red skull idol

Ruby Idol 10 Points

find the Ruby idol

The Mommy 10 Points

Find the Mommy

Thumb Rider 10 Points

Find Thumb Rider

Turquoise Idol 10 Points

Find the Turquoise Idol

Indie Jones

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/80 points)

Hidden Treasure Hunter 5 Points

Pickup treasure from behind an obstacle

Ball Breaker 5 Points

Knock the boulder back 5 times in one game

69er 10 Points

Collect exactly 69 gems in one game

Tank Award 10 Points

Collect 10 tanks in one game

The Century Mark 10 Points

Collect 100 gems in one game

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Collect 200 gems in one game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Infiltrating the Airship

Medals Earned: 1/19 (50/645 points)

Rank PBT 50 Points

You Won!

Barnyard Blitz 5 Points

It sure is animaly in here

Buttery Snack 5 Points

Yum Yum

Gold 5 Points

Is it edible?

Kredit 2 Team 10 Points

Credit where credit is due

Music Enthusiast 10 Points

Listen to a song used in the game

You Win! 10 Points

Good job!

Bound to the Earth 25 Points

Oh my goodNess!

Famous Movie Line 25 Points

Well, maybe not THAT famous

The Last Fantasy 25 Points

Should've kept you Locke-d up

Rank GAPI 50 Points

You Won!

Rank RBH 50 Points

You Won!

Rank RPE 50 Points

You Won!

Biggoron's Sword 100 Points

Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword

Failpocalypse 100 Points

Fail a Total of 100 Times

Master of Fails 100 Points

Get All 60 Unique Fails

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Intruder Combat Training

Medals Earned: 6/7 (290/340 points)

adept 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies.

headshot 10 Points

Get 10 headshots

killer 25 Points

Kill 100 enemies

specialist 50 Points

Get 50 headshots

agent 100 Points

Finish all 10 missions

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Jaded Journey

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/430 points)

Moneybags I 5 Points

Have some gold to your name

Kills I 5 Points

Achieve some kills!

Kills II 10 Points

Achieve 50 kills

Moneybags II 10 Points

Hold 50 gold at once

Kills III 50 Points

Achieve a lot of kills (150)

Moneybags III 50 Points

Hold 300 gold at once

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Jeff the Killer

Medals Earned: 4/9 (25/145 points)

Hide 5 Points


one piece of code 5 Points

one piece of code

two pieces of code 5 Points

two pieces of code

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

four pieces of code 10 Points

four pieces of code

three pieces of code 10 Points

three pieces of code

five pieces of code 25 Points

five pieces of code

the hiding search 25 Points

Hide in 5 different places (objects / furniture)

Escape! 50 Points

Win the game