
MonsterGamerz's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 886 (From 185 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,670 Points


Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/270 points)

Look mommy, I'm death! 5 Points

Fail to get at least 1.000 points

10k 5 Points

Get a score of 10.000

5k 5 Points

Get a score of 5.000

Critical Hit 10 Points

Critically hit the Knight

Double Kill 10 Points

Get a double kill

Trials 25 Points

Complete all the trials

Lethe player 50 Points

be l33t and score over 50k

Triple kill 50 Points

Get a triple kill, pretty hard.

The black plague 100 Points

Kill 10 knights in one run

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Need Water!

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/355 points)

Boom! 5 Points

First destruction

Wow! I am rich! 5 Points

First collected diamond

Indeed! 10 Points

Complete training

Oilman 10 Points

Produce oil

Bronze Medal 25 Points

Collect more than half of the diamonds

Fly! 50 Points

Complete level #10

Silver Medal 50 Points

Complete all levels

Gold Medal 100 Points

Collect all diamonds

Jeez! 100 Points

Blow up all stones

Newgrounds in 2019

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/105 points)

Bronze 5 Points

Completed the quiz!

Let's Get Ready 5 Points

Play the dress up game on the main menu.

Enough of That 5 Points

Mute the music

Deity 10 Points

Got everything right in the quiz.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Newgrounds Rumble

Medals Earned: 2/13 (10/320 points)

Hoarder Patrol 5 Points

Snag the first three powerups in a match before anyone else has a chance to.

People Pancakes 5 Points

Lure two or more opponents into the trash compactor during any battle in the Scrapyard.

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

Parry three times in one jump.

Wile E. Ways 10 Points

Knock an opponent out of the ring three times in one match.

C-C-Combo Maker 25 Points

Deliver at least 80 damage in one aerial combo.

Diplomatically Challenged 25 Points

Complete all 12 challenges in Challenge Mode.

Meat Shield 25 Points

Trick an opponent into killing one of their own teammates with a projectile.

Survival Horror 25 Points

Survive at least 5 opponents in Survival Mode on OMFG difficulty.

Wall Street Brawler 25 Points

Bank over 5000 Grounds Gold.

The Eventuallyending Story 50 Points

Complete all 12 stories in Story Mode.

Transgressive Compulsive 100 Points

Earn 100% Game Completion.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

NG BBS Awards 2019

Medals Earned: 3/5 (20/50 points)

Fact Checking 5 Points

Looked into the Credits and Stats

Who's a Winner 5 Points

Clicked on a single category

Everyone's a Winner 10 Points

Checked the winner for each category

What a Read 5 Points

Viewed one of the best threads

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

NG Review Game #2

Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/145 points)

The Norm 5 Points

You did okay but that's all you did

Bronze Age 5 Points

You picked up a few points, good for you!

Credits 5 Points

Looked at the credits, thanks.

Garbage 5 Points

Well, that was pretty bad!

Getting Started 5 Points

Watched the first flash

Pieces of Silver 10 Points

Not worth as much as gold, but still valuable!

Bling 25 Points

We golden

Peep Peep 25 Points

Blew your whistle correctly!

God 50 Points

I look forward to your review!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

NG's 20th Anniversary Collab

Medals Earned: 30/33 (220/380 points)

A-Bot 5 Points

from the Audio Portal

Alien Hominid 5 Points

from Alien Hominid

Beebo 5 Points

from BEEBO

Bitey 5 Points

from the Brackenwood series

Blockhead 5 Points

from Blockhead

Cat Face & Box Cat 5 Points

from Cat Face

Chocolate Man & Cripple Boy 5 Points

from Nameless

Detective Nwar 5 Points

from NWAR

Edd Gould 5 Points

from Eddsworld

Eva 5 Points

from Miss Dynamite

Fernando 5 Points

from the Greasy Moose series

Foamy 5 Points

from the Neurotically Yours series

Hank 5 Points

from the Madness series

Icky 5 Points

from the No Evil series

Jerry 5 Points

from Jerry

Kenstar 5 Points

from Girlchan in Paradise

Kerrigan 5 Points

from Kerrigan and the Frog, etc.

Larry 5 Points

from LARRY

Leo & Satan 5 Points

from Leo & Satan

Pico 5 Points

from Pico's School

Salad Fingers 5 Points

from Salad Fingers

Tankgirl 5 Points

from Newgrounds

Time Fcuk 5 Points

from Time Fcuk

Zoe 5 Points


ZONE-tan 5 Points

from ZTV News

Curious 10 Points

Link to a figurine's original submission!

Prepared 10 Points

Control the hands in the mini-game select screen!

Bookworm 25 Points

Read the story!

Collector 25 Points

Look at the figurines!

Film buff 25 Points

Watch the movie!

Alternative 10 Points

Try out a mini-games' alternate keys!

Casual 50 Points

Find all the mini-games' Easter eggs!

Hardcore 100 Points

Beat every mini-game!

Nightmare Clicker

Medals Earned: 5/5 (145/145 points)

Skeleton 10 Points

Kill 5 Skeletons.

ThickMan 10 Points

Kill 5 ThickMan.

Crazy Jack 25 Points

Kill 5 Crazy Jacks.

100 on my wrist 50 Points

Reach 100.000 money.

Larry 50 Points

Defeat the game by killing Larry.

Pen&Paper Assassin

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/300 points)

1 5 Points

Finish the first mission!

2 10 Points

Finish the second mission!

3 10 Points

Finish the third mission!

4 25 Points

Finish the fourth mission!

5 50 Points

Finish the fifth mission!

6 50 Points

Finish the sixth mission!

7 50 Points

Finish the seventh mission!

8 100 Points

Finish the last mission with 3 re-rolls!

PewDiePie Adventures

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/240 points)

Chop Chop Chop 5 Points

Try to play the game in Chopnese.

My Name is PewDiePiiiie 5 Points

Visit PewDiePie's channel.

The Plot Thickens 5 Points

Reach the first cutscene.

Go Barbie Go 10 Points

Beat the Barbie level.

Girly Hero 25 Points

Beat the game and save Marzia!

Stupid Rock 25 Points

Defeat the first boss.

More Evil Than Barrels 50 Points

Defeat the second boss.

Heart of Iron 100 Points

Beat the game in under 6 minutes.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!